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18 Years isn't Nothing...!

That is why there was a great motivation to organise an Anniversary Milonga celebration at our Alma de Tango Escuela past Saturday 16th of January, the which of course ended well on the grounds of Sunday.

Actually the first Milonga organised by me was around February 1997 in Claremont WA, in a coffe shop owned by an Italian Lady who loved dancing on Bayview Tce, just a few metres from Stirling Hwy. Very successful gatherings! But then I moved to Queensland.

The first Milonga in Queensland was in 1998, and of course I was the organiser. It was in Townsville, inside the today dissappeared 'Big Kahuna' in open air and full riverfront to the Ross River. Melanie Berry and I got to perform our first Tango shows together on that stage.

Then our tango troup estimated in those days to be in a 30 strong core crew, moved to next door's 'Lava Lounge' a psicoldellic supercool two-storey disco building with great sound system, synchronised lighting and a huge colour screen where we used to play Buenos Aires' and our own clips. But then I moved to Brisbane.

I opened the doors of our School in the January 2000, in the 'historic' Tango Cathedral in Saint Lucia. From there on our 'Escuela' keeps its tenet that is to maintaining the traditions and original spirit that made the Argentine tango itself.

Happy Birthday to Us! and thank you wonderful crew of today! Here they are, Les Misérables usual suspects depicted after another great Saturday, this time more special that usual.



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