Viernes en Buenos Aires!
Another week is gone and thanks to God is Friday again!... You can't allow yourself to miss my tailored Tango Salón classes of Friday at...

Buenos Aires Group Classes Today
Hoy Viernes! No perderse pues continúan mis clases grupales en La Escuela del Tango: - 18.30 a 20 hs. Fundamentos - 20 a 21.30 hs...

18 Years isn't Nothing...!
That is why there was a great motivation to organise an Anniversary Milonga celebration at our Alma de Tango Escuela past Saturday 16th...

Tonight Is Tango Day at UQ Sports!
Do not miss the 5th Tango Class of our Summer-Semester Tango course at UQ Sports tonigh! For enrolments in our next Course this year...

Group Classes Continue in Buenos Aires
Este Viernes continúan mis clases grupales en La Escuela del Tango: - 18.30 a 20 hs. Fundamentos - 20 a 21.30 hs Intermedios Más info...

A Christmas message by Hugo - From Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I really enjoy this time of the year as it is when I reflect back on what has been achieved during the year both personally in what is...

Tangueras: You Need to Be The Most Elegant in 2016
So if this is your New Year's resolution, remember you have always handy Bello Stilettos Tango Fashion on line! Shirley has the latest in...