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Tango Shows
The Tango Shows listed below are for reference only and may be subject to changes. We recommend to contact us to receive more comprehensive information.
May 2016/17 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
The musical piece 'Piantados' second performace is on the 26th May at the traditional Buenos Aires venue "36 Billares".
Piantados is a show based on Piazzolla's musical work with Hugo Fernandez involved in the tango dynamics, interacting with pianist Miguel Perero, cellist Pavlo Carta and stupendous Maria Cangiano in vocals.
Miguel Pereiro: piano
Maria Cangiano: voice
Pavlo Carta: cello
Hugo Fernandez: dynamic interpretation through tango dance
September 2016/17- Sao Paulo, Brasil
The musical piece 'Piantados' third performace is on in September (date to be confirmed) at the University of Sao Paulo.
Piantados is a show based on Piazzolla's musical work with Hugo Fernandez involved in the tango dynamics, interacting with pianist Miguel Perero, cellist Pavlo Carta and stupendous Maria Cangiano in vocals.
Miguel Pereiro: piano
Maria Cangiano:: voice
Hugo Fernandez: dynamic interpretation through tango dance
Schedule 2017/21 - Brisbane Powerhouse, Australia
"The Ultimate Piazzola Concert"
The magnificent compositions of the Internationally acclaimed Astor Piazzolla will come to life at its very best by the work of art of the brilliant Tango Ensemble lead by Tina Fullerton and Warwick Hardgraves for an evening of passionate tango.
This Concert features a sensuous collection of Piazzolla, Horacio Salgán and other great songs of Argentine tango composers put together as a triibute to Hugo Fernández's Argentine heritage, and includes a repertoire of musics selected by Hugo himself who was inspired by his father to follow a career in tango dance.
Join us for live renditions of these classic songs and watch two of Australia’s best tango dancers Hugo Fernández and Clare Morehen bring this brilliant and compelling music to life in a premiere of an international tango tour.
Expect an evening of stunning tango both classic and the contemporary Piazzolla creations.
For Information on the above:
Mail: P.O.Box 990 Toowong 4066 Brisbane, Qld Australia
07 3371 3098 (Office)
0407 193 116 (mobile)
Email Addresses:
Schedule 2022 - Venues to be advised